Yoga Shala

The majestic bamboo building sit at the top of the hills, our Yoga Shala serves one of the best views of the healing land. Experience the best yoga practice at the north of Bali while the sun awakes your heart with its golden rays, awaken the senses as calming the busy mind.

Strengthen your physical body with daily yoga asana practice, breathing practice of pranayama and meditation to start a glorious day. Our dedicated yoga teachers and facilitator gives the best guidance to bring you closer to yourself.

Our yoga practices stretch from Hatha yoga, we combine the basic India yogic approaches while brings up the Balinese tradition within the practice to rebalance our connection to the Akasha (great Father Sky) and Pertivi (Mother Earth). Combining the physical practice of asana, mudra and bandha while reciting the sacred mantras to reconnect the body, mind and soul. Vinyasa practice brings the flow of meditative movements, while Yin yoga practice allowing us to settle down with our own nature of being through awakening the physical senses.

Breathing practices to release emotion and cleansing the energetic channels. Meditation practice through chanting and sound awaken the hearing consciousness. Reiki and energetic healing practices letting clarity of the mind as the mind floating on the generous consciousness of the universe.

All practices at our sacred space of Yoga Shala allow you to open up towards the beautiful jewels of your heart.

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